speck hack fest registration open
dear hackers,
we are trying to organize the speck hack fest 2008 as best as possible and we put some packages together for facilitate your hack days in bolzano.

unfortunately some accomodation packages are available only for a short period because bolzano is fully booked in november and the hostel and the hotels are keeping our registrations only for a short period.
if you already know you would join the hack fest it would be better if you have a look at the packages we prepared as soon as possible and register yourself online at http://sfscon.it/2008/registration/gnome-registration
at this link you will find every kind of information about the packages! if you need further infos do not hesitate to contact patrick or me!
the hack fest is followed by the south tyrol free software conference on
14th november which program and details will be available as soon as
possible at http://www.sfscon.it.
there will be many interesting speeches and
i think you could ehm.. well, you have to join also the sfscon the day after the hack fest.
btw: did you know that stormy is maybe holding a talk there? ;)
hope to see you in bolzano...
p.s. if you want to sponsor the hack fest we have no problems with it ;)
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